Department Head: Pastor Wilkins
Leaders: Debora Wilkins, Rachel Dukes, Min. Hattie Scribner, Brenda Thomas, Sandra Blade, Denise Thomas

Department Head: Pastor Wilkins
Chairman: Deacon Michael Hatley
Co-Chair: Deacon Van Thomas
The Deacon's Ministry is unto the Lord, but it is carried within the context of the local church. It is to the Church that the Deacon is called. He loves the church, is committed to its members, and is devoted to its ministry. The ministry of the Deacon is scriptural, it is to serve and assist the Pastor (Ref. Acts 6:1-6 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13)
Department Head: Pastor Wilkins
Leaders: Min. LaShawn Henry & Min. Roy Vaughn
We desire to help encourage Christian singles to apply God’s word to their daily lives and to become more involved in fellowship. We provide a means of fellowshipping with other singles that are striving for spiritual wholeness.

Department Head: Pastor Wilkins
Leaders: Min. Jeff & Tamela Collins
Co-Leaders: Deacon Larry & Rachel Dukes
To strengthen all marriages by encouraging married couples to willfully establish and exercise biblical principles in sustaining the marriage covenant; to promote, encourage and support good marriages, beginning with engaged couples and continuing throughout the marriage journey
Department Head: Pastor Wilkins
Leader: Min. LaShawn Henry
To Provide exceptional services before, during and after weddings. This ministry assists with the marital party coordinator.

Department Head: Pastor Wilkins
Men’s Day Chair: Deacon Van Thomas
To challenge and encourage the men of the2nd to support the vision of the church through involvement in at least one ministry, by participating in bible study, men’s study or Sunday School for spiritual growth and from commitment of their time to the Mass Mentoring Program.
Department Head: Pastor Wilkins​
Leaders: Altricia Thomas
We serve as a support team to the Pastoral Staff of our church to assure that every member who has experienced the death of an immediate love one is supported through prayer, planning, assistance, and ministry presence as well as serve in a way that demonstrated the love and compassion of Christ.

Department Head: Pastor Wilkins
Leader: Minister Ardary Taylor
Expressing sympathy is always difficult, but all we can say is how sorry we are and want you to know we care. The journey of grief is a painful process, and you do not need to walk it alone. We would like to encourage you to come to the special seminar and support group offered here at Second Baptist called GriefShare. The materials specifically address topics and issues for those who are grieving the death of a loved one.
GriefShare meets via Zoom and the content is Christ-centered and biblical. You will find this to be a place where you can be around people who understand the pain of your loss. You will be prayed for and learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult season of your life.