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EXALT Young Adult Ministry

In the study of Jeremiah, we witness that he engaged into ministry as a young adult at the approximate age of twenty.  Today, he would be considered a young adult.  The translation of Jeremiah is “Exalt God”.  Thus, this is the mission of the Exalt Young Adult Ministry.  We seek to exalt God through various sub-ministries, fellowships and worship. 

Exalt Young Adult Ministry will engage the overall young adult population of Second Baptist Church into different components of the ministry. To assist and foster the personal growth and education of young adults toward a relationship with Jesus Christ leading to Christian maturity.

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Exalt College is designed to reach college students by way of Second Baptist Church located in Little Rock, Arkansas.  These students will connect with one another at church with the intentions of connecting to other college students outside of church at their respective campuses.  Student organizations will be formed by SBC members located at their campus to provide a bridge of Word and Worship between Second Baptist Church and the college campuses. 


Exalt Singles will be formed to encourage singles to build their relationship with Jesus Christ first and then to one another. We will connect with our traditional single’s ministry to have a voice for our age range.  They will gather in worship, discipleship, fellowship, and outreach.  They will seek to help in the area of personal development of the single person by providing an environment where everyone is loved, accepted by God, and made secure in Him.  This ministry will help the single person in the areas of life transitions such as expectation of getting married, divorce, widowhood, and raising children. We will serve as liaisons in the current singles ministry to become actively involved in yearly events.  



Exalt Marriage is designed for young adults between the ages of 18-35.  We will connect with our traditional marriage ministry to have a voice for this age range. We will attend the current marriage ministry meetings and events to further our knowledge and wisdom of marriage through Jesus Christ. We will serve as liaisons in the current marriage ministry to become actively involved in yearly events. 


Exalt Outreach will serve and witness Jesus Christ to the community of believers and non-believers.  Each function of the Exalt Young Adult Ministry is engaged as a whole in this holistic endeavor.  There will be two fundamental components to this approach.  First, the committee’s role and function is to engage the unengaged young adult population in the church.  Secondly, the committee’s role and function is to disciple believers to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with non- believers outside the church.  



Exalts Professionals will be a ministry of young adult business professionals who work together to make networking connections and grow their businesses with principles of Jesus Christ.  They will be encouraged and taught foundational skills such as stewardship, tithing, servant hood and leadership.  In connection with our discipleship ministry, we will offer workshops that will develop them both spirituality and professionally.  These members will be business owners, sales persons, public servants, and any professionals who wishes to increase their businesses and skills through Jesus Christ and one another. 


Pastor Ricky Calhoun

Youth & Young Adult Pastor

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1709 John Barrow Rd.

Little Rock, AR 72204

(501) 223-2323 |

Sunday School: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m.
M-Fr.: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: CLOSED
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